Minor: Two display cursor

This one is a minor problem, but oh so annoying in everyday use. When you are mainly rocking a system with two displays, where other display is smaller laptop display and other is big 4K display there is are little design flaws here and there.

This one is pretty annoying, because when display sizes are not same, the cursor will stuck to the edge of the bigger display. You can move cursor from bigger display to smaller only in area where smaller display “exists”:


And this makes moving cursor from display to display a little annoying, because cursor often is not where mouse hand expects it to be as it was stuck on the edge of bigger display. This resolves to jerking mouse around to find the missing cursor, because cursor often hides itself to the edge of bigger display (when moving from left to right).

This little usability problem could be solved by always moving mouse cursor to the smaller display. When moving from outside of the smaller display area, the cursor would simple go to the bottom (or top) corner of smaller display, what ever is closest of the transition point.

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